Thank God it`s Friday

(The following is an excerpt from the book "You Are The Change", which is now available to order.)


Hello Becky and Jerry,

I was standing in line at my favorite bagel place this morning when I overheard somebody sighing, "Thank God it's Friday!"

Hmm! Thank God another week is over?

Here's a little math question: If we assume we're going to reach the age of about eighty years, how many Fridays will we see in our whole lifetime?

I know, that's easy! There are about fifty weeks in a year. Multiply that by eighty years, and we'll see that we'll celebrate about four thousand Fridays in our lifetime!

Four thousand! Only four thousand! That's not many, if you think of it! How easy is it to spend $4,000! How quickly $4,000 can disappear!

Imagine that when we are born, we get a wallet with four thousand one-dollar coins. And every Friday evening, somebody comes and picks up one coin. No matter what we did with that week, the coin is gone.

As I am writing this, I have already spent more then half of my four thousand coins! There's not much left in my wallet!

When I made this calculation the first time, it changed my attitude and with that, my exclamation on Fridays:

"Oh my God! It's already Friday again?"

And, not always, but more and more, I add:

"Thank God I used my week well! I hope I can also use the next one to get ahead on the path of my life's purpose."

With Love,


"Nothing ever happened in the past; it happened in the Now.
Nothing will ever happen in the future; it will happen in the Now."
-- Eckhart Tolle

We have only about four thousand weeks in our life.

With every single one of those weeks, we can choose to make it a week worth living, or a week that was wasted.

Every single week is a chance to be happy, to pursue fulfillment, and to make a difference.

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